• Why use a recruiter when you have direct access to contracted CLIA Laboratory Personnel at your fingertips, through us?

Whether you're a new lab, an established lab, or a business wanting to form a relationship with a lab, we're your go to providers.

Through our providers, you can start your new laboratory, augment current staff, secure a preparatory 'mock inspection' in advance of the actual inspection, vet potential laboratory relationships without the assistance of a regulatory body, or simply contract with us to retain a backup person for your critical lab staff that go on vacation.

Assisted Staffing

Assisted Staffing

We can help:

  • Those who are preparing for an upcoming CLIA, COLA, or CAP inspection.
  • Those labs with a critical lab employee out on leave or vacation.
  • Those who are bringing in new instrumentation and need temporary help to assist in verification/validation.
  • Those labs in regulatory distress and need additional consultation.
  • Those labs needing essential CLIA personnel but want to contract rather than open a full-time employee position.
Enterprise Services

Enterprise Services

We can provide other business services that are laboratory-specific, such as:

  • Marketing Plans
  • Cost Per Test Analysis
  • Client Acquisition
  • Executive Summary
  • Financial Analysis to determine if an outsourced test should be brought in-house.
Contact Us To Get Started Today.

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